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About J-GREEN Sakai

Boasting one of the largest facilities in Japan, J-GREEN Sakai is a sporting complex centered on soccer that promotes recreation and sports activities.

「J」of「J-GREEN Sakai」is the initial of Japan Jump.It expresses the players jump and facilities development.「J-GREEN」, such as the natural grass is green all year round in that vast sports facilities that can be imaged.Each of the alphabet is full of great expectation and possibility of Sakai City's soccer national training center.

J Japan In order to achieve the goal to cultivate
Jump Players jump and Facilities development
G Global To become the activity of players soaring to the world
R Realize To realize the dream of achieving the goal
E Ecology Beginning of vast green creation to consider the various falicities are good for environments
E Education From the perspective of life learning to promote physical education.
N Next generation To promote the development of physical and mental integrity of young people's activity





There are two methods for reserving facilities at J-GREEN Sakai.
One is to apply using the Opas System for reservations and the other is to apply directly at J-GREEN Sakai's front desk.

Please make use of it whether team training
or the people from distance.

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